Juamwezi Pamoja Foundation


In 2021 Kizingo established its foundation, Juamwezi Pamoja, with a mission to support the people of our local village and wider community. Loosely translated from Kiswahili the name means Sun & Moon – we are all in this together.

The foundation has begun implementing programs related to education, health, and the environment including support for a primary school and health clinic in Kipungani village. The foundation is also developing plans to support local food, sanitation, and mental health initiatives.

To help offset the harvesting of mangroves needed for building Kizingo the foundation, as part of its mangrove forest rehabilitation program, will plant 1,000 mangrove trees with an eye to expand from there.

Community partners

Kizingo Eco Lodge - Community Partners

In cooperation with local partners, Kizingo has established Kizingo Beach Cleanup Drive, or KBCD. KBCD works to collect and remove plastic and other trash from the beaches, recycling them when possible. Over time, plans include the installation of plastic-to-art recycling machines in Kipungani village.

Kizingo is working to support a local project related to syntropic farming - growing a diversity of vegetation while simultaneously restoring the ecosystem. A local farmer has donated one acre of land for the project, with the aim of educating and encouraging local farmers to embrace more natural and sustainable farming practices.

Our Team

Kizingo Eco Lodge - Our Local Team

We celebrate each member of our team without whom Kizingo would not be what it is. Some of us were born on the island of Lamu while others come from Malindi or other towns along the Kenyan coast. With the word Swahili deriving from the Arabic term Sawāhil, meaning ‘of the coast’, we think of ourselves as one Swahili family.

We look forward to sharing with you more of who we are and why we love this special corner of the world we call home.